Nordisk Profil offers professional advice from the idea phase to the installed façade and ensures that you act in accordance with applicable legislation and fire safety requirements.

We know how crucial it is to have fire protection requirements under control, as these often influence the choice of materials, dimensions, design and budget. That's why we are more than just your façade supplier!

We also act as your fire protection sparring partner, advising you on your fire protection strategy and helping to ensure passive fire protection right from the initial phase of the project.

We also help you to analyze the options and variables for façade cladding with regard to the applicable building regulations and advise you on the necessary fire protection documentation for:


With a façade from Nordisk Profil, you receive full fire protection approval and documentation for the installed Facade system without compromising on design or choice of materials.

Woodfac meets the fire protection requirements of EN 14915 - to such an extent that it is the only product on the market to be classified and successfully tested for B-s1,d0 / B-s2,d0.

Nordisk Profil has also carried out, tested and successfully passed the reaction-to-fire facade tests in accordance with ISO13785-1.

Woodfac Click is a unique system with a large louvre panel on a bagged aluminum structure. With the help of bygningens bærende facade it is possible to compose a levende arkitektur, skabt gennem lys, skygger, materialer og design.

Til systemet tilbydes hjørneløsninger, forskellige afdækningsprofiler, løsning til buede facader samt forstærkningsprofiler, der muliggør stort fritspænd både horisontalt og vertikalt.

Woodfac Click is particularly well suited to the design of parking sheds.
The new facade system does not give parking sheds a visual wow-effect. This gives many parking garages a smooth appearance, but does not allow them to look like their surroundings.

With a lamellar coating, you get the opportunity to construct a fleet and durable parkeringshuse with a natural and warm finish that develops a soft patina over time.

Woodfac Panel is a lukewarm system that functions as an air conditioning system. The system consists of a valgrie trælameller mounted on an aluminum panel.

Alupanelerne has a ventilation system that ensures that the facades can be "opened".

Panelløsningen consist blandt andet af variable single-, dobbelt- og hjørnepaneler med standede huller til facadeskruer, der skjules, når panelerne klipses zusammen.

The system is based on a wide range of security profiles for the detection and recording of wires, veins (lysing profiles) and other facade elements.


As a manufacturer and supplier of timber façades, Nordisk Profil meets the European standards in accordance with EN 14915.

Our wooden facades comply with all the necessary harmonized standards, which ensure that we always meet the requirements and regulations for exterior facade cladding: Third party sampling, classification reports and monitoring and inspection.


To provide our wood cladding with the best and safest conditions, we only use Burnblock flame retardant, which is the only one on the market to be fully accredited, approved and classified in accordance with EN 16755.

The flame retardant provides comprehensive protection and maintains the fire protection properties over the entire service life of the wood (ISO 5660-1) - both before and after accelerated ageing tests in accordance with the EN 927-6 test method, which is part of the EN 16755:2017 test process.

The flame retardant consists of 100 % natural substances, is completely biodegradable, non-toxic and free of VOC emissions.

Thanks to these outstanding and sustainable properties, the flame retardant has been awarded Cradle to Cradle certification at gold level and achieved platinum in the area of material health.

Nordisk Profil's facade solutions are supplied with full documentation covering fire safety (end-use classification tests), sustainability (EPD, VOC) and durability (EN 16755)



At Nordisk Profil, we offer you professional advice. We are your fire engineering sparring partner, advising you on the fire strategy for the façade project and helping you to get passive fire protection under control in the initial project phase.

We can also help with the possibilities and variables of façade cladding in relation to the applicable building regulations and advise on the required fire safety documents:

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