Download useful material & documentation

Here you will find various materials on our Facade systems as well as relevant documentation and certifications. Some of the material is available with a single click, while others require you to create a login to gain access.

In addition, you can obtain fire protection documentation and profile drawings of the façade components by contacting us.

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Our Facade systems are CE-certified. Here you can download both the CE certificate and the Greenline® certificate, which documents the use of 100% collected and recycled aluminum in all our facade products. You will also find certificates for certified wood.

Green footprint

Nordisk Profil strives to offer the best green solutions. Download our one-pager that gives you an overview of our environmentally friendly Facade systems .

System overview

If you need a technical overview of our various Facade systems and the INTEGRA-pw safety railing for parking garages, you can find it here.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Terms and conditions

Here you can download Nordisk Profil's terms and conditions of sale and delivery.


Get a detailed overview of our various facade solutions with an overview of the features of the systems. Create a login if you don't already have one and download the brochures.

Information material on Woodfac Panel and Alufac will follow shortly.

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Woodfac Click Facade system

Parking garages

Napsu facade system


Create a login, if you don't already have one, and get access to the installation instructions for the Facade systems.

Instructions for Woodfac Panel and Alufac will follow shortly. However, please contact us if you need support with these systems. You will also find general instructions for the primary materials wood and aluminum.

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Fire test

The Woodfac Facade system is classification-tested and approved to B-s1,d0 and B-s2,d0 and complies with European standards.

Here you will find an overview of our various fire tests for Woodfac Click and Woodfac Panel, which we can send you on request.

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Classification Report K51_A_2022, Woodfac Click, Thermo Pine

Classification Report K50_A_2022, Woodfac Click, Thermo Ash

Classification Report K13_2023, Woodfac Click, Thermo Ayous

Classification Report K05_2024, Woodfac Click, Thermo Pine

Classification Report K49_2022, Woodfac Panel, Thermo Ash

Classification Report K21_2021, Woodfac Panel, Thermo Pine

Classification Report K12_2023, Woodfac Panel,Thermo Ayous

Classification Report K11_2023, Woodfac Panel, Western Red Cedar

Classification Report K51_A_2022, Woodfac Click, Thermo Pine

Classification Report K50_A_2022, Woodfac Click, Thermo Ash

Classification Report K13_2023, Woodfac Click, Thermo Ayous

Classification Report K05_2024, Woodfac Click, Thermo Pine

Classification Report K49_2022, Woodfac Panel, Thermo Ash

Classification Report K21_2021, Woodfac Panel, Thermo Pine

Classification Report K12_2023, Woodfac Panel,Thermo Ayous

Classification Report K11_2023, Woodfac Panel, Western Red Cedar

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Various tests are carried out to ensure that our fire-impregnated Wooden lamellae retain their properties over time.

We have the following documentation on durability, which we will be happy to provide if you contact us.

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EN16755, Burnblock WRC, DTI

EN16755, Burnblock Thermo Pine, DTI

EN16755, Burnblock WRC, Warrington, Burnblock

Hygroscopic test, Burnblock, Passed acc. to EN16755

Declaration of documentation for thermally modified wood_Burnblock

EN16755, Burnblock WRC, DTI

EN16755, Burnblock Thermo Pine, DTI

EN16755, Burnblock WRC, Warrington, Burnblock

Hygroscopic test, Burnblock, Passed acc. to EN16755

Declaration of documentation for thermally modified wood_Burnblock

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Profile drawings

Our Facade systems consist of various profiles, which we would like to give you an overview of.

The overviews will follow shortly. Until then, you are welcome to contact us for specific technical information on the components of the systems.

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