Innovative safety solution with high strength

INTEGRA-pw is a patented and recognized fall protection system developed primarily for multi-storey parking lots.

With this innovative all-in-one solution, both people and vehicles can be secured without the need for additional conventional vehicle protection devices.

Thanks to a free prop spacing of up to 7806 mm, there is no need for additional protection, while the system transfers the force effects of collisions directly to the load-bearing structure. This ensures optimized protection in the event of collisions.

INTEGRA-pw offers a high load capacity of up to 3.5 tons and is therefore ideal for logistics centers and similar applications.‍

The system can be adapted to any project and offers great flexibility. It can be installed horizontally, vertically and on inclined surfaces, allowing it to adapt to different structures and requirements.

Complies with European standards

INTEGRA-pw meets all European standards for impact loads in accordance with EN 1991-1-7 and EN 1991-1-1.

In practice, this means that the system has been developed, dimensioned and tested in such a way that it can withstand both foreseeable loads and unforeseen and extreme loads, such as collisions.

In addition, INTEGRA-pw has received DiBT approval as proof that the system complies with German legal requirements and meets the technical requirements, standards and regulations set by the institute - approval number Z-14.7-882.

INTEGRA-pw offers various solutions, which you can view via the link below. Please note the load requirements for the construction as a decisive criterion when selecting the product.

Woodfac Click is a unique system with a large louvre panel on a bagged aluminum structure. With the help of bygningens bærende facade it is possible to compose a levende arkitektur, skabt gennem lys, skygger, materialer og design.

Til systemet tilbydes hjørneløsninger, forskellige afdækningsprofiler, løsning til buede facader samt forstærkningsprofiler, der muliggør stort fritspænd både horisontalt og vertikalt.

Woodfac Click is particularly well suited to the design of parking sheds.
The new facade system does not give parking sheds a visual wow-effect. This gives many parking garages a smooth appearance, but does not allow them to look like their surroundings.

With a lamellar coating, you get the opportunity to construct a fleet and durable parkeringshuse with a natural and warm finish that develops a soft patina over time.

Woodfac Panel is a lukewarm system that functions as an air conditioning system. The system consists of a valgrie trælameller mounted on an aluminum panel.

Alupanelerne has a ventilation system that ensures that the facades can be "opened".

Panelløsningen consist blandt andet af variable single-, dobbelt- og hjørnepaneler med standede huller til facadeskruer, der skjules, når panelerne klipses zusammen.

The system is based on a wide range of security profiles for the detection and recording of wires, veins (lysing profiles) and other facade elements.

Approved Facade systems with INTEGRA-pw

Nordisk Profil has successfully carried out a dynamic impact test with INTEGRA-pw in accordance with EN 1991-1-7.

During the test, all of our façade components, which are made of both wood and aluminum, were mounted directly to the fall protection system with U-shaped fastening profiles. The result showed that the components remained intact and did not come loose even when a vehicle collision was simulated.

This proves that the Facade systems from Nordisk Profil can be combined with INTEGRA-pw and effectively resist even the strongest collision influences.


INTEGRA-pw gives parking garages optimum protection with just one system. INTEGRA-pw is tailored to each individual parking garage and offers great design freedom, as it can be installed horizontally, vertically and on inclined surfaces.

The system has a general building authority approval from the DIBt with the approval number Z-14.7-882. It also meets all European standards for impact loads in accordance with EN 1991-1-7 and EN 1991-1-1.

It was developed as a modular system that can be easily expanded and seamlessly adapted to future needs. It is also very easy to set up and contributes to low installation costs.

INTEGRA-pw offers various solutions. Download our data sheets and take a look at the different solutions. Pay attention to the respective country requirements, which may lead to different product choices.


Safety always comes first. But if design and safety can be combined, it's the best choice!

Instead of just installing a safety railing on a raw façade, impressive architectural parking garages can be realized with a Woodfac Click or Napsu façade solution.

Our Facade systems are mounted directly on the safety railing and do not require a substructure. This is both simple and cost-saving.

Take a look at some of our projects and contact us to find out more. We have extensive experience with parking garages of all sizes and are your professional partner from planning to the finished façade.